Sunday, March 19, 2006

YouthNet Buzz (19 Mar 06)

Week Of Many Blessings

Although the International G12 Conference started only on Thursday night, we felt the flow of God's blessings for the whole week. Open doors, answered prayers, nice surprises, rest in the midst of busyness. We have a God who wants to bless us, every moment of every day. And blessed we were too, abundantly and exceedingly, by the powerful impartation, teaching and ministry from our spiritual elders at the Conference.
We are sure the flow of blessings will continue far beyond the Conference itself.

What a privilege it is for FCBC to host this awesome assembling together of the family of believers. God's presence was strongly manifested as He promises, whenever we gather together in His Name.

Remember the 3 areas of focus we had set for YouthNet in 2006? We see it all at the Conference!

The Gathering, the Training and the Sending.
"Blessed to be a Blessing" - This is God's operating model for you.

YouthNet Buzz (12 Mar 06)

Need A "Faith" Lift?
We believe many of us have acted on the 7000 Faith Challenge.

An exciting testimony to share ... last week, two tribes invited more than 50 visitors to church between them.

Guess what? Twelve of them gave their lives to Jesus!

Hallelujah! Doesn't that give us a faith lift?

Faith must be exercised for it to grow. Any work done in faith will be productive. But let's face it... it's not easy inviting people to church. So many reasons why we cannot invite or why they cannot come. We invited four friends, three of whom turned us down.

What will motivate us to go the extra mile and keep on trying?

Love - pure and simple. Love for God and love for people. So let's not give up ... for in due season we shall reap a harvest of blessings if we faint not (Gal 6:9).